List Your Business

Southland NZ's goal is to provide visitors with all the information they need prior to visiting and during their visit to the region. If your tourism-related business is not currently listed, please fill out the form below.

  • Name of business & short description of the business (roughly a paragraph)
  • Contact information: name, address, phone, email, website, social media etc.
  • Images: Recommended image size is a landscape image of 4:3 ratio with a minimum size of 1200px wide by 900px high, jpeg only.

Please view our Listing Terms & Conditions here. Once your business has been listed, you will receive a notification email.

Contact Information

Business information


You can either upload 1 image or a zip folder with multiple images. If you have a link to e.g. dropbox you can add this to the comment section below.

* Indicates a required field.